Cathy Boyd

Click to view. To inquire about purchasing a piece email or phone (705) 210 0290

Artist Statement

I fancy myself as a mini-historian who records little worlds around us that are often overlooked in our day to day haste.  That is to say that my paintings are snapshots in time of where I have been and what I have seen.  The quality of light that envelopes the scene is what draws me to the subject initially, and convinces me to paint it for posterity. 


My love of painting grows each year and I almost forget that it has been 20 years since I began to paint in earnest.  For the first 10 years I painted extensively with soft pastels, and I believe that my earlier works formed a solid foundation for all that I am doing now.   I now paint exclusively in oils, which satisfies my desire to paint larger than would have been possible with pastels. Living in cottage country on Georgian Bay, Ontario has instilled in me the love of rural, agricultural Ontario. The sheer number of lakes, bays and wetlands that feed our area are evident in my subject matter. However, being only an hour drive to the city of Toronto also fuels my attraction to urban subject matter. Hence the diversity in my subject matter.


My work has been shown in New York City, the British Virgin Islands and of course, throughout Ontario.  My paintings have been sold to clients in the USA, Japan, and who knows where else?  


I am largely self-taught, with some formal education in the arts.  Along the way I have created a diverse body of works, some realistic, some impressionistic.   I treat each new painting as an opportunity to try something different.  Change is inevitable, and so my paintings have changed in spite of me.

Visit Perivale Gallery's Facebook Page:

705.210 0290

1320 Perivale Road East,

Spring Bay,

Manitoulin Island, ON

 Open DAILY 10 - 5

Welcome to our 43rd season as we celebrate the work of so many exceptional & creative Canadian artists! Open mid- May until mid- September, and open on line ALL year. Shannon McMullan & her staff look forward to your visit. Embrace the unique!