David Hickey

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David Hickey is a full time artist living in Lakefield, Ontario. David's artwork is eclectic and inspired by the forms and beauty of the many lakes and forests throughout the Kawartha Lakes and Muskoka. He explores these natural elements, in paint, wood, metal and sculpture, with an inherent interest in the way colour and simplicity can work together to evoke feelings of serenity and spirituality.   David succeeds in capturing the essence of a subject without in anyway inhibiting the viewers experience and response to his work.

 ”If asked to describe my style I would have to settle on ‘abstract realism’ leaving enough unsaid to entice the viewer to complete my vision. David’s artwork is recognized and exhibited in a number of galleries throughout Ontario.


Artist Statement:

Growing up in the Kawarthas with its many lakes and forests has influenced my work. Many of my pieces reflect the landscape that is so much a part of our Canadian heritage.

Visit Perivale Gallery's Facebook Page:


705.210 0290

1320 Perivale Road East,

Spring Bay,

Manitoulin Island, ON

 Open DAILY 10 - 5

Welcome to our 43rd season as we celebrate the work of so many exceptional & creative Canadian artists! Open mid- May until mid- September, and open on line ALL year. Shannon McMullan & her staff look forward to your visit. Embrace the unique!