Laurie Near

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Artist Statement

I am inspired by writings, music and artworks which evoke a sense of connection and timelessness. Intuitive process is the driving force in my most recent body of work where paintings are characterized by focus on repetition, organic shapes and fluidly applied colour.  Multiple layers of glaze, in conjunction with the use of metallic/iridescent pigments, allow each painting to reveal  subtle compositional changes depending on the precise angle at which light hits the surface of the canvas. Over a period of days, canvases are regularly moved from easel to floor and back to easel, depending on whether, and how much I want the paint to travel and mix in each successive skin. Because of the need to allow saturated layers to dry before adding more pigment, I tend to work on several different paintings at once. While this makes for a crowded studio (the wet paintings are generally laid out flat on the floor for long periods of time) it helps to lessen the “stop-start” frustration of having to wait for glazes to properly gel when I’m in the zone and don’t want to stop.


An avid naturalist (raised by a pair of hardcore “birders”) and a strong believer in basic philosophies regarding the interconnectedness of humans and the natural world, I can often be found hiking with my dog, taking in the scenery and quietly absorbing images and impressions for use back in the studio. 


Born in Chatham, Ontario and currently residing in the Quinte region, Canadian artist and teacher Laurie Near has held a life-long interest in the visual arts. Laurie is an Elected  Member of the Society of Canadian Artists and her artwork hangs in a number of galleries and in private collections across Canada, the U.S.A. and the U.K.



Visit Perivale Gallery's Facebook Page:

705.210 0290

1320 Perivale Road East,

Spring Bay,

Manitoulin Island, ON

 Open DAILY 10 - 5

Welcome to our 43rd season as we celebrate the work of so many exceptional & creative Canadian artists! Open mid- May until mid- September, and open on line ALL year. Shannon McMullan & her staff look forward to your visit. Embrace the unique!